Search Engine
Content Marketing
Social Media
Website Development
AI assisted content is being widely utilized by large authoritive brands to churn out content at record speed which is not only guaranteed to pass any AI detector test, but is actually on a par with expert level copy.
Producing the high quality content that Google salivates over, your articles and blog posts are destined to find their way to top placements in search results.
We are talking the kind of content which users actually find useful therefore far more likely to read, providing a much higher probability of them visiting your website.
Content is the lifeblood of the web, without it there is no internet. The more visitors to a website the more money that site can make. You want more customers, you need your pages to rank well on search engines and what you have here is one of the fastest most economical ways to achieve that.
Think of it this way, imagine your website as a living, breathing organism. Like you it needs to be fed regularly otherwise it will stagnate and die.
Online…standing still is going backwards, implementing this strategy would be a direct route to Google’s heart, increased traffic and predictable business growth. Best of all with AI precison targeting your content can be occupying top placements quite quickly without breaking the bank.
With prices starting at just $39 for a pack of 3 premium quality articles, plus a one-time special first order discount of 10% off, you’ll find it difficult to get your hands on similar quality fully SEO optimised, search intent checked and keyword analyised content anywhere else.
At a maximum price of $13 per article and costs scaled down on larger packages you simply can’t lose.
AI has turned online marketing on it’s head and for a short space of time was like mana from heaven for content writers and marketers alike.
The problem it has presented is, with so many using AI to create content, the online space is being flooded with content that is bland, same old, same old generic rubbish which Google hates and will not rank.
The articles we provide will include all elements Google and other search engines want. Content which is partially created with AI then edited in a way not many know how to do.
It’s the secret sauce within the recipe that makes it the “piece de résistance”. It’s how we and you (if you join us) hold the advantage!
Still at beta stage, for now these article creations are been offered at a stupid low price with an additional 10% discount thrown in. Click here to place an order
Things may not be as good as they use to be… fewer bookings, less footfall, a big dip in profits. Choices are to roll over and accept the situation or do something about it.
Taking action NOW can help strengthen your brand AND increase business profits during the quieter times of the year.
Existing customers are spending their money with you, you simply offer them an option to save on future promotions.
This system will do 95% of the work for you while your current patrons will grow your numbers and brand exponentially for free.
Subject of course to you getting there before competitors do!
Take action today and start preparing for business growth in 2024 and beyond PLUS do so without paying a single penny.
When customers visit your restaurant or store encourage them scan a QR Code to join your Loyalty Rewards Program for 2024.
The 100% mobile operated system takes care of all the work, adds points, gives easy access for customer redemption and is completely hassle free.
Plus, there is a built-in referral feature which can be incentivised to encourage existing customers to share with friends.
You will have paid nothing but gained precious leads who you can promote to anytime you like!
Every client has specific requirements. We provide custom packages which in our experience almost always works out less expensive in the long run.
Select all or either services, mix and match the best fit for your requirements and budget.Choose an off the shelf package that someone else wants to fit your business into, or save money by creating the custom package that’s tailor made for you?
Custom campaigns can save money although not necessarily through to an initial or ongoing price you might pay.
The keyword jungle is a vast, unforgiving place which from within lies a magnitude of hidden treasures. Find the gold and costs are reduced significantly.
Follow the route everyone else does and scrap for that same loaf of bread, or find good search volume keywords with little to no competition.In complete contrast to SEO, with social media you want to be right in the mix… right there in front of the crowds.
For marketers the great thing about social media is the share feature and it’s ability to have content go viral.
We create then upload your content to the main social platforms every day. While not all of the content will go viral those that do can pay handsomely.
Without content the world would stop turning!
Okay maybe a slight exaggeration but in fact in the online world it’s absolutely true.
In this ever evolving, online space, standing still is going backwards, publishing consistent, quality content is a must.
Have your quality content created quickly in text format or video to bring the level of traffic desired.